RescueME PLB1
-Waterproof to 15m
-No subscription
-Link via satellite to Emergency Services
-High intensity (1 candela) strobe
-Fast accurate positioning
-Easily deployed antenna
-7 year battery life
-7 year warranty
-30 percent smaller than previous generation PLBs
-Flotation pouch
-Homing Beacon to aid final location by search and Rescue craft
-Easily fits in lifejacket
-Retractable Antenna
-24+ hour operational life
-66 channel GPS receiver
-Unique mounting clip
-Operates on the global Cospas Sarsat rescue system
-Free to use, no subscription charges
-Supplied with free flotation pouch
-Weight 116g
Wherever you are, at sea, on land, the rescueME PLB1 provides the reassurance that global emergency services can be alerted by the press of a button.
The rescueMe PLB1 can be operated with a single hand in even the most challenging situations. A simple spring loaded flap covers the activation button preventing inadvertent use.
RescueME PLB1 works with the only officially recognised worldwide dedicated search and rescue satellite network (operated by Cospas Sarsat). As this is funded by governments there are NO CHARGES to use this service.
When activated the rescueME PLB1 transmits your position and your ID to a Rescue Coordination Center via satellite link. Rescue services nearest to your are promptly notified of your emergency and regularly advised of your current location to assist prompt rescue.
For more information head here

Why the RescueME PLB?
-It’s small and light, at only 116g it’s not going to add much to your flight weight. Being small and light also means there’s a higher chance of actually taking it with you when you go, like air in the fuel tank, a PLB left in the car will only do so much good…
-I’ve spoken to a few people who carry them and have heard good reviews from them.
-Just because
Q. Can you find plenty of alternatives?
A. Yep.
Q. Will any alternatives cost less?
A. Possibly, have a look around, do your research and decide if you want a PLB. If you decide you want one, this one is available. My goal was to raise awareness, start conversations on the subject and make PLBs available to those who want it. If anyone ever reads this, I've met that goal...