Personal Locator Beacons
Personal locator beacons are high-powered (typically, 5 watts) devices designed purely to send out a personalized emergency distress signal. Unlike SPOT trackers, they cannot send text messages or other data, their purpose is solely to save you life. They will work anywhere in the world, don’t rely on phone reception and have no subscription cost.
How a PLB Works
When activated, a PLB will get a GPS location fix and will transmit a powerful a signal at 406 MHz, an internationally monitored distress frequency. This frequency is monitored by a network of non-profit Russian, Canadian, American and French military satellites known as COSPAS-SARSAT (SARSAT is an acronym for "Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking"). This data is relayed to the JRCC (Joint rescue coordination centre) in Canberra where search and rescue procedures begin. The JRCC may also be known as RCC or AusSAR and is operated by AMSA.
PLB owners must register their device with AMSA (Australian maritime safety authority). When you do so, you enter details of the aircraft you fly, boats and cars you drive etc as well as contact information and any relevant information that may assist in your rescue such as medical conditions. You can also add details of any trips you’re planning or any other info that may help. AMSA will link your essential personal information to a 15-character code known as a Unique Identifying Number (UIN). When activated, the PLB transmits your UIN to the COSPAS-SARSAT satellites via electronic bursts. Registration must be updated every two years and you will receive a new registration sticker to attach to the PLB.
When activated, a PLB broadcasts 2 separate signals: 406 MHz (which carries the UIN and GPS data to the satellites) and 121.5 MHz, a distress frequency in the airband radio spectrum monitored by all RPT aircraft flying overhead. Rescue aircraft are able to home in on a 121.5 transmission.
If you use a PLB, the 406 MHz signal will guide rescuers to an area within 100 meters or less from your position. At the same time, they will employ a tracking device to home in on the 121.5 MHz frequency broadcast by the PLB. It takes less than 5 minutes to alert search-and- rescue personnel of your position and to begin recovery action.
PLBs will also have a high brightness strobe light and will be capable of continuous broadcast for at least 24 hours. Battery life is 7 years before battery replacement.
For more information on emergency beacons and AMSA, head here
A PLB and an EPIRB (emergency position indicating radio beacon) are essentially different versions of the same thing with a few notable differences. For the comparison I'm comparing an EPIRB and a PLB from the same company, Ocean Signal.
-The first and most noticeable is the size. The RescueME PLB is 116g vs EPIRB1 at 422g.
-A PLB must be able to continuously broadcast for at least 24 hours vs 48 hours for an EPIRB.
-The reason for the different requirements is that EPIRBs are designed for ocean going vessels and as such are registered to a particular boat. PLBs are designed to be carried by the person and are registered directly to that person. Because an ocean rescue will by its nature take a much longer time, EPIRBs need the larger battery capacity (think of 2010 when an American 16 year old girl lost her mast in the middle of the Indian Ocean and Qantas went to her rescue...)
-EPIRBs are required to be buoyant (being on sinking boats and all...) where PLBs are not required to float. The RescueME PLB is not buoyant by itself however it does come with a protective pouch that will keep it afloat.
-A PLB needs to be manually activated unlike an ELT located in an aircraft that will activate with a high G impact or EPIRB with water immersion.
-The problem if you're unconscious and can't activate the PLB your self is why I'm hoping to get more of us carrying them. It may not be yours that saves your life and conversely, it may not be your life saved by your own PLB...
-The costs are very similar, the Ocean Signal PLB1 and EPIRB1 both RRP $399
-Both will work anywhere in the world
For a bit more info on the two for comparison have a read here: